Paying for Midwifery Care
What most families opt for. This is the most available and easiest to navigate.
I do offer my services on a sliding scale to meet families where they are at.
Midwifery care is covered by FSA/HSA
Most Heath Shares will pay for Midwifery Care + Homebirth.
A reasonable option, not often used.
Most insurance companies will not cover Midwife Services/Out of Hospital birth. But we can submit for reimbursement. Minnesota also just approved Medicaid to cover homebirth for approved providers.
Self Pay/ Cash Pay
Sliding Scale
I do offer a Sliding Scale for my Midwifery Care services. It’s based on “The Green Bottle” and I let families decide where they fall on this scale. I do not require families provide any proof of income for services paid with a sliding scale, I just ask that families are honest with where they sit. So far, it has worked for my Clients and I will continue to use this wonderful structure to continue to make Midwifery care more accessible.